support to Dakota Access Pipeline protest: International Days of Prayer and Action with Stand...: International Days of Prayer and Action with Standing Rock International Days of Prayer and Action with Stand...
medicine turtle cherokee
Montag, 10. Oktober 2016
International Days of Prayer and Action with Standing Rock Native Medicine Academy
Samstag, 1. Oktober 2016
Henry Red Cloud and the Treaty Pipe
Morton County Sheriff's Department we have questions
Has the Morton County Sheriff's Department been bought by commercial interests?
Judging by their facebook page it’s clear they have taken a very strong position of supporting the North Dakota pipeline project and against the protestors
Morton County Sheriff's Department
support to Dakota Access Pipeline protest: Morton County Sheriff’s office
support to Dakota Access Pipeline protest: Morton County Sheriff’s office: We are a peaceful people who have fought and died for the right to pray and be present in the protection of our lands. Yesterday, people who...
Morton County Sheriff’s office
We are a peaceful people who have fought and died for the right to pray and be present in the protection of our lands. Yesterday, people who were gathered in peaceful prayer near the construction site near St. Anthony to protect Unci Maka – our Grandmother earth – were subject to arrest by the Morton County Sheriff’s office. Officers called to the prayer circle arrived in armored vehicles, armed with guns and terrorized elders, women, and children as they attempted to comply with law enforcement. In 1890, the United States gunned down hundreds of unarmed Lakota people in what is remembered as the Battle of Wounded Knee. I am fearful that if North Dakota law enforcement does not deescalate their tactics that we will be forced to witness a repetition of that massacre. We strongly urge the state of North Dakota to reconsider any efforts to use violence to discourage native protectors of water from actively exercising their First Amendment rights.
Freitag, 30. September 2016
Donnerstag, 29. September 2016
Mittwoch, 28. September 2016
WE ARE THE MAJORITY. So with the latest killings of unarmed Black Men,and the Dakota Pipe line poisoning water building on sacred land of First Nations People...what happened if these two groups historically oppressed became united against a common enemy? Something that a First Nation elder member talks about...
Posted by Black Global Village on Saturday, September 24, 2016
Montag, 26. September 2016
INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER AND ACTION WITH STANDING ROCK Projects About We are working on our website now... Until then, please take 1 minute to record your prayer/action so we can put you "on the map" Click here to record your event. Let's reach our goal to mobilize 5000 cities (or towns) in solidarity with Standing Rock! :) medicine turtle Cherokee it now times to act INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER AND ACTION WITH STANDING ROCK The Standing Rock Sioux tribe's protest of the Dakota Access Pipeline
Donnerstag, 22. September 2016
Dakota Access pipeline company attacked native american indian children
Dakota Access pipeline company attacked native American Indian children
we do not allow this
medicine turtle cherokee
Montag, 19. September 2016
Henry Red Cloud
Henry Red Cloud
Mittwoch, 14. September 2016
environmentalists are skeptical of claims of the massive pipeline’s safety.
environmentalists are skeptical of claims of the massive pipeline’s safety.
Riot Police Begin Mass-Arrests At Dakota Access Pipeline; Facebook
Riot Police Begin Mass-Arrests At Dakota Access Pipeline; Facebook
at least 20 protesters, or “water protectors,” have been arrested at gunpoint along with medics and two journalists
Sonntag, 11. September 2016
Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier removes facebook page
Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier
We are calling for the removal of Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier, of the Morton county sheriff's office, North Dakota and calling for an ethics investigation into this office.
Public Utilities Commission is Chris Nelson. He led the effort to approve the Dakota Access Pipeline
Public Utilities Commission is Chris Nelson. He led the effort to approve the Dakota Access Pipeline
Freitag, 9. September 2016
Hundreds gather for Denver protest against Dakota access pipeline
Hundreds gather for Denver protest against Dakota access pipeline
Local protest against Dakota Access Pipeline
Local protest against Dakota Access Pipeline
Mittwoch, 7. September 2016
Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier
Obama on Dakota Access Pipeline
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s Lawyer: Judge's Ruling Allows Dakota Access to "Desecrate" Sacred Ground
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s Lawyer: Judge's Ruling Allows Dakota Access to "Desecrate" Sacred Ground
Pilgrims’ Ate Human Flesh On Thanksgiving
When the ‘Pilgrims’ Ate Human Flesh On Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving means many things to many people. To the average American, it is a time of giving thanks for what we have. A time of watching football, getting ready to spend obscene amounts of money on Black Friday “sales”: camping out for a new television set that we didn’t need. To Native Americans it is often about being insulted by pop-American history, a time of betrayal and a reminder of the centuries-long genocide that took place after indigenous North Americans saved the collective ass of colonists. For others it is simply about a day or two off of work, school, and Star Wars or Godfather marathons on cable. But for the historical settlers at Jamestown, from 1609 to 1610, when the holiday was already in practice, this was a time of murder and cannibalism.
The idea that there were man-eating pilgrims is nothing new, but American History courses in U.S. schools typically make no mention of it. Still, many historical accounts mention settlers (though her perhaps not pilgrims proper), turning to cannibalism for survival, particularly as the winter months approached.
In the United States, Americans commonly trace the Thanksgiving holiday to stories of a 1621 celebration at the Plymouth Plantation. According to national myth, it was here that the Plymouth settlers held a harvest feast after a successful growing season, but the holiday was documented as being in practice as early as 1607, including in Jamestown (founded in 1607), Virginia as early as 1610 or before.
The Associated Press described the situation in Jamestown in less than traditional terms, some time ago. Amongst these surprising traits of the Jamestown practices of the season were cannibalism.
Smithsonian forensic anthropologist Douglas Owsley said the human remains date back to a deadly winter known as the “starving time” in Jamestown from 1609 to 1610. Hundreds of colonists died during the period. Scientists have said the settlers likely arrived during the worst drought in 800 years, bringing a severe famine for the 6,000 people who lived at Jamestown between 1607 and 1625.
The historical record is chilling. Early Jamestown colonist George Percy wrote of a “world of miseries,” that included digging up corpses from their graves to eat when there was nothing else. “Nothing was spared to maintain life,” he wrote.
How could the colonists have wound up in such dire straits? A large part of it had to do with their alienation from indigenous peoples. That much of the Thanksgiving myth is true. Very few settlers would have survived on these shores without the advice of Native Americans which they had previously no interest in dialoging with. Long before they began begging for the help described in the Thanksgiving myth, many colonists turned to murder and cannibalism of the indigenous Native Americans. The Algonquian tribes of Virginia’s Native Americans – the Powhatans – were friendly, but this didn’t spare all of them from being devoured by the colonists.
The colonists also drove away wildlife by over-hunting, and could not farm land that wasn’t prime for horticulture. Many of them had no knowledge of such things, having arrived at these shores for ideological and economic reasons, by way of non-British nations like Holland in the Netherlands, which they had already fled to, after finding that their religious take-over of Britain was not going as planned.
Explorer George Percy’s explained the cannibalism of Native Americans the colonists killed:
“So great was our famine, that a Savage we slew and buried, the poorer sorte took him up againe and eat him; and so did divers one another boyled and stewed with roots and herbs… [the cause of starvation was] want of providence, industrie and government, and not the barennnesse and defect of the Countrie, as is generally supposed.”
In his “Cannibalism in Early Jamestown,” Mark Nicholls explains that “When dearth and disease swept through Jamestown, reducing its population perhaps by 80 percent in the catastrophic Starving Time of 1609–10, some individuals had turned to cannibalism out of hunger.” Percy and others told of sporadic cannibalism and the breakdown of colonial society in the face of disaster:
A worlde of miseries ensewed as the Sequell will expresse unto yow, in so mutche thatt some to satisfye their hunger have robbed the store for the which I Caused them to be executed. Then haveinge fedd upon our horses and other beastes as longe as they Lasted, we weare gladd to make shifte with vermin as doggs Catts, Ratts and myce all was fishe thatt Came to Nett to satisfye Crewell hunger, as to eate Bootes shoes or any other leather some Colde come by. And those beinge Spente and devoured some weare inforced to searche the woodes and to feede upon Serpentts and snakes and to digge the earthe for wylde and unknowne Rootes, where many of our men weare Cutt of and slayne by the Salvages. And now famin beginneinge to Looke gastely and pale in every face, thatt notheinge was Spared to mainteyne Lyfe and to doe those things which seame incredible, as to digge upp deade corpes outt of graves and to eate them. And some have Licked upp the Bloode which hathe fallen from their weake fellowes…
If we Trewly Consider the diversety of miseries, mutenies, and famishmentts which have attended upon discoveries and plantacyons in theis our moderne Tymes, we shall nott fynde our plantacyon in Virginia to have Suffered aloane…The Spanyards plantacyon in the River of Plate and the streightes of Magelane Suffered also in so mutche thatt haveinge eaten upp all their horses to susteine themselves withal, Mutenies did aryse and growe amongste them, for the which the generall Diego Mendosa cawsed some of them to be executed, Extremety of hunger inforceinge others secrettly in the night to Cutt downe Their deade fellowes from of the gallowes and to bury them in their hungry Bowelles.
Percy, Nicholls explains that “There are earlier narratives that made the same point, including a few relating to the Newfoundland voyages. But Percy is saying something else here. Life in Jamestown, for all the conscious mimicry of English tradition, is fundamentally different from life back home.”
Not quite as romantic as a stuffed turkey, but historical details have rarely impeded the mythos of Americana.
(Article by Mike Ahnigilahi; humorous image via Zombie Research Society)
Cannibalism day is Thanksgiving day in usa
Cannibalism day is Thanksgiving day in usa
Thanksgiving means many things to many people. To the average American, it is a time of giving thanks for what we have. A time of watching football, getting ready to spend obscene amounts of money on Black Friday “sales”: camping out for a new television set that we didn’t need. To Native Americans it is often about being insulted by pop-American history, a time of betrayal and a reminder of the centuries-long genocide that took place after indigenous North Americans saved the collective ass of colonists. For others it is simply about a day or two off of work, school, and Star Wars or Godfather marathons on cable. But for the historical settlers at Jamestown, from 1609 to 1610, when the holiday was already in practice, this was a time of murder and cannibalism.
Charges to be filed against presidential candidate
Charges to be filed against presidential candidate
ll of which is sad, because this case offers the U.S. government the chance to make at least small amends for some of the darkest parts of its official history—to demonstrate that it has absorbed at least a few small lessons from that past.
This is the first time the seven bands of the Sioux have come together since [the Battle of] Little Bighorn [in 1876]
"This is the first time the seven bands of the Sioux have come together since [the Battle of] Little Bighorn [in 1876]," Hawste Wakiyan Wicasa, a Native American man living in a tent at protest camp in the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, told the BBC.
"Now, we have no weapons, only prayers. We are here for what our ancestors fought and died for. We have endured 250 years of betrayal by the white man.”
Bank of America sends killed dogs to protect in oil at standing rock hurting childern
Dakota Access Pipeline oil company Construction crew are injuring Dakota children
Donnerstag, 1. September 2016
Dale "Happy" American Horse Jr. Sicangu Lakota photo photo should be your facebook profile photo
what next will the people eat the eat and drink the oil
it has been to log that people around the world have not recognised
the native American Indians.
everything that can be taken and stolen from north American Indian
people is being taken away .
American is not a land of the free it a land of thieves and bandits
invaders from other lands .
every part of the native American culture and spirituality
is being stolen and sold to the highest bidder .
no matter what name people put on it stealing is stealing
my people are Cherokee. many Cherokee today don't even know
who they are they lost there the way to the Christian church
the god of money has made the land sick.
oil is now their water.
they soon kill all the animals and the white people will be eating the earth under their feet. they kill all the plants .
nobody wants to hear are old stories and more or set by are
fires .
look around you where all the trees and plants and animals
there disappearing like the buffalo.
people prefer to speak on computer and cell phones
they don't know how to set on an open fire and talk to each
other anymore.
where is the human race going
how can we save it
I grew up Cherokee in Appalachian mountains
deep inside a well protected safe zone where
Cherokee was real Cherokee.
where we coexisted with the land.
everybody thinks if it not on google it doesn't
exist and never was.
native American history has never been writing truly
in history books.
the truth is we native Americans have stood with each other
there is an awakening going on now all over the world
let rewrite the history of the true story of are people
medicine turtle cherokee

Mittwoch, 31. August 2016
Dakota Access pipeline a national threat.
Dakota Access pipeline a national threat.
American honors treaties with Germany but not American Indian treaties
Lawrence O'Donnell of MSNBC speaks the truth how native Americans are treated
American honors treaties with Germany but not American Indian treaties
native American wrongly treated
Lawrence O'Donnell of MSNBC
Mainstream Media Tells the Truth About Native Americans
In a rare moment of honesty Lawrence O'Donnell of MSNBC actually gets it right about European colonization of the Americas.
Standing-Rock-Sioux-Indian-Reservation needs help with donations
please support these people


Happy” American Horse Jr. Sicangu Lakota a true warrior
Happy” American Horse Jr. Sicangu Lakota a real indian warrior
Happy” American Horse Jr. Sicangu Lakota a real Indian warrior
Happy” American Horse Jr. Sicangu Lakota Water Protector being arrested
Oglala Lakota Nation

Please bring signs, drums, loud voices along with what ever you need to peacefully demonstrate /protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline
Please bring signs, drums, loud voices along with whatever you need to peacefully demonstrate /protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline
currently chained to a bulldozer halting construction
currently chained to a bulldozer halting construction
Sicangu Lakota brother is currently chained to a bulldozer halting construction
Our Sicangu Lakota brother is currently chained to a bulldozer halting construction for another day, law enforcement has the site blockaded
Police Call In FBI To Stop Native Americans From Protesting Dakota Access Pipeline
Police Call In FBI To Stop Native Americans From Protesting Dakota Access Pipeline
Dakota Access Pipeline stand up save are water
The Dakota Access Pipeline: What Would Sitting Bull Do?
we all need clean water
without water there is no life
Native American Medicine Academy "Rebuild the old way"
we must save and protect mother earth

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe needs are support
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe - Dakota Access Pipeline Donation Fund >
August 25, 2016
Official Standing Rock Sioux Tribe DAPL Donation Fund through PayPal! Donations will be used for legal, sanitary and emergency purposes!
please stop and send the tribe a donation
medicine turtle Cherokee
do it for mother earth

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
needs your support
Dakota Access Pipeline Donation Fund
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe - Dakota Access Pipeline Donation Fund >
August 25, 2016
Official Standing Rock Sioux Tribe DAPL Donation Fund through PayPal! Donations will be used for legal, sanitary and emergency purposes!
it very important to make donations to the tribe
we need to support the Lakota
to save are water
medicine turtle

Dienstag, 30. August 2016
Mutter Erde ist keine Maschine
Dakota Access Pipeline Donation Fund
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe - Dakota Access Pipeline Donation Fund >
August 25, 2016
Official Standing Rock Sioux Tribe DAPL Donation Fund through PayPal! Donations will be used for legal, sanitary and emergency purposes!
let support the tribe
medicine turtle Cherokee

support to Dakota Access Pipeline protest medicine turtle cherokee
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